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Plus members save more!

✔ Get FREE shipping
✔ Earn 10% in store credits
✔ Access our highest discounts

Sign up to Plus for only $49.90/year
Members save an average of $180 on shipping every year
Cancel anytime. Enjoy now, decide later!

In just two orders, a Plus membership pays for itself

Unlock more savings with Plus

Plus members enjoy higher discounts, free shipping and 10% back in store credits on every order. Sign up today and start saving!
Sign up to Plus for only $49.90/year

Cancel anytime

If you ever decide that Optimalprint Plus is not right for you, simply cancel your membership. No commitments.
Sign up to Plus for only $49.90/year

Still have questions?

How long does membership last?
A single membership period lasts one year, beginning on the day that your membership fee is paid. Unless you cancel your membership before your one year period is over, then your membership will automatically renew into another year and you will be charged the membership fee again. We only offer annual membership plans at this time.

Which delivery method do I get for free?
As a Plus member, you'll get the standard delivery method for free or the least expensive method, when standard methods are unavailable. When standard delivery is available, express delivery will not be covered by Plus.

Terms & Conditions

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Not a Plus member?

✔ Get FREE shipping
✔ Earn 10% in store credits
✔ Access our highest discounts

Sign up to Plus for only $49.90/year